Aug 31, 2009 16:33
The wind blows through my hair while I smile and dig my boot spurs into the sides of The Working Man. "Giddyup!" I cry. What a fun day it has been, just a shame the cocaine is beginning to wear off.
"Onward to Wall Street, Stempien!"
I have business to conduct.
short shorts
May 12, 2009 12:23
The photo has that ephemeral look, and an old, familiar tune comes on shuffle. It’s enough to make you double take and wonder if all of it really happened. Those were certainly the days. His arms are on his hips and she carries an acoustic guitar. Face paint and eyeliner.
short shorts
Mar 08, 2008 23:49
In retrospect, last night was too surreal. In retrospect, last night wasn’t good. In retrospect, I could have made some better decisions last night, but in retrospect, I’m glad I made the ones I did. All of it makes for a great story, but I’ve realized I'm ready for monogamy.
generical 2,
short shorts
Feb 16, 2008 23:40
You were in my dream last night. I was going to pick you up, but then you biked uphill instead, back to the school, where we were staying. I could never parallel park quite right. Later we got soot on our faces. I woke up before I could clean myself.
short shorts
Jan 17, 2008 14:11
I'm excited to see you. I look forward to the time we bump into each other as we cross campus in opposite directions. We will say "Hi.” and, “How are you?" We will part. We will pause, and fondly recognize, that for a moment, we forgot where we were headed.
short shorts
Sep 24, 2007 01:28
Nobody likes her, but in this one, blurry photo she looks trendy and modest. She looks like she wants to be a fashion designer one day, and has lots of fun at parties. She looks as though one day she'll find this blurry photo and remember how great college was.
short shorts
Sep 08, 2007 02:37
I don't understand 3. I have 1 under my belt, selfish, but easy, and I'm great at 2. Sometimes. 3 gives me trouble. I just can't wrap my head around 3. A lot of my friends 'get' 3, but I don't, and it makes me feel dumb. 4? Forget it.
thoughts 2,
short shorts
Sep 06, 2007 02:44
"No one understands me", Wolfman said to Little Boy. "What about Frankie?” Little Boy responded, “You said he understood you, and then you ate him." "I meant no one alive." Wolfman whined. “Oh,” said Little Boy, "Are you gonna eat me too?" "Yes." said Wolfman. "Well fuck." said Little Boy.
short shorts